
1. DAND’1900s –Chewö Couture, Aix-en-Provence (France)- Dec15,2014 – Jan28,2015

2. NEGROPOLITAINES — Art-Cade, Marseille (France) – Feb05, 2015 – Feb28, 2015

3. MOMBASA IN THE EARLY 1900sLamu (Kenya) during the 15th Culture Festival – Oct25 to 30, 2015 —  Fort Jesus, Mombasa (Kenya) – Dec08, 2015 till end of January, 2016 — National Museum, Malindi (Kenya) – Feb. and March 2016
and again
Fort Jesus, Mombasa (Kenya) – Feb16 till April02, 2018
see the mini-catalogue of the exhibition

4. THE PORTUGUESE STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHERS OF ZANZIBAR — Old Dispensary, Stone Town Zanzibar (Tanzania) – Dec21, 2020 – Jan05, 2021


Chewö Couture – 19 rue Courtessade, AIX – In the concept store of the young and talentuous fashion designer Mouss ADAME, a series of 16 enlargements of postcards on the theme of Elegance and Ornaments.
Dresses, khangas, garments, necklaces, bracelets, jewels, hairdoes, piercings, plugs, etc. FR Dans le concept store du jeune et talentueux Mouss ADAME, une série d'agrandissements de cartes postales sur le thème de l'élégance et des accessoires. Robes, khangas, tenues, colliers, bracelets, acccessoires, coiffures, piercings, plugs, etc.



 ART-CADE – 35 rue de la Bibliothèque, MARSEILLE – The same series of enlargements as above (Dand’1900s) is included within an exhibition about Claude MacKay – a prominent poet of the Harlem renaissance, who wrote in the 1920s « Back to Harlem », and who later stayed in Europe and especially in Marseille. A town he describes in his novel « Banjo ». FR La même série d'agrandissements (DAND'1900s) est présentée dans le cadre d'une exposition consacrée à Claude MacKay, un poète majeur de la Harlem Renaissance, auteur dans les années 1920  de 'Back to Harlem', et qui plus tard à vécu en Europe, notamment à Marseille où se situe son roman 'Banjo'. L'occasion d'évoquer la ville avant-guerre. 
See link :http://www.art-cade.net/art-cade/?actualités


Press coverage of the exhibition :

revuedepresse NEGROPOLITAINES 2015



FORT JESUS – The old Portuguese fortress is a somptuous decor for the exhibition of 47 enlargements of old postcards depicting how the city and its people were looking like about one century ago, when the old Swahili harbour turned into a major modern cosmopolitan town, becoming the outlet of the whole region, from the Ocean to the Kivu, because of its deep water harbour and of the railway.

The exhibition, organised in partnership with the National Museums of Kenya, and supported by the French Embassy in Nairobi, was opened on December 8th, by Ms Rabia Salim, representing the Minister of Tourism and Culture, Mombasa County Council. The Friends of Fort Jesus also assisted with the official opening. FR

It could be visited till the end of January, when it moved to the premises of the National Museum, in Malindi, and was there from mid-February till end of April, 2016. FR On a pu la visiter jusqu'à la fin janvier, date à laquelle elle a été réinstallée au Musée National de Malindi, de mi-février à fin avril 2016.

Previously, about a half of the pictures were presented in Lamu, along the gallery of the Fort, during the 15th Culture Festival, late October. FR Préalablement, une moitié environ de l'exposition a été présentée à Lamu, dans la galerie du Fort, pendant la 15e édition du Festival Culturel, qui s'est tenu à la fin du mois d'octobre.


In Malindi


A booklet was published for the second display of the exhibition – Feb16 – Apr02, 2018
click to turn the pages quicker.



 OLD DISPENSARY – Stone Town, Zanzibar – An exhibition of more than 50 enlarged pictures taken by the very talented early photographers, coming from GOA, who established studios in Zanzibar at the end of XIXth Century: the COUTINHO Brothers, P. DE LORD, A.C.GOMES, PEREIRA.

Organized by 
CICL, Centre of Portuguese Language of the Camões Institute – SUZA, The State University of Zanzibar – MOIO, The Museum of the Indian Ocean

Curators Manuela Palmeirim – Robin Batista


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