Hereunder listed are the PUBLISHERS, as they appear on the postcards of the collection.
Some of them appear under (slightly) different names.
1 | « E.A.Standard, » Nairobi | |
2 | « EASTAF » series Kodak E.A. Ltd Nairobi | |
3 | « ESTAF » series Kodak (E.A.)Limited Nairobi & branches | |
4 | « The lens », (H.Zeltmann), Nairobi | |
5 | A. H. Firmin, | |
6 | A. H. Wardle & Co Ltd. | |
7 | A. H. Wardle and Co Mombasa Eldoret Nairobi Dar | |
8 | A. MONTEIRO, Photographer, DAR-ES-SALAAM | |
9 | A. Woodmore Naivasha Kenya | |
10 | A.C. Gomes & C. – Zanzibar | |
11 | A.C. Gomes & Son – Zanzibar | |
12 | A.C. Gomes & Son, Photographers, Zanzibar | |
13 | A.C. Gomes et Co – Zanzibar | |
14 | A.G.Pagett | |
15 | A.H.FIRMIN | |
16 | A.R.P. de Lord Zanzibar | |
17 | A.R.P. de Lord, Photo Artist, Zanzibar | |
18 | A.T.S. | |
19 | A.T.Schofield | |
20 | Abdula, Dala Visram, Zanzibar | |
21 | Editions « Spiritus » | |
22 | Alfred Lobo, Uganda | |
23 | Ali Pira Harji, Zanzibar | |
24 | Anderson & Mayer, Proprietors, Mombasa | |
25 | Binks | |
26 | C. D. Patel & Sons, Mombasa | |
27 | C. D. Patel & Sons, Photographers Mombasa | |
28 | C. D. Patel Photographer, Mombasa | |
29 | C. D. Patel Photographer, Mombasa (B.E.A.) | |
30 | C.A.W.Grün | |
31 | C.Vicenti. Daressalaam | |
32 | Capital Art Studio, Zanzibar | |
33 | Church of Scotland Mission, B.E.A. | |
34 | Church of Scotland Mission, Kenya | |
35 | Church of Scotland Mission, Kikuyu | |
36 | Collection Africaine | |
37 | Colonies Africaines | |
38 | Comptoirs Dufay et Gigandet – Marseille Le Havre | |
39 | copyright J. Favre | |
40 | copyright U.M.C.A. | |
41 | Coutinho & sons, Photographers, Mombasa | |
42 | Coutinho Bros. Zanzibar | |
43 | Coutinho Bros. Photographers, Dar-es-Salaam | |
44 | Coutinho Bros. Photographers, Zanzibar | |
45 | D. Evaristo Coutinho, Photographer, Mombasa | |
46 | D. V. Figueira, Mombasa, B.E.A. | |
47 | Department of Information. Kampala, Uganda | |
48 | Dépôt aux Missions, rue Lhomond | |
49 | E.A.Standard Process | |
50 | East Africa and Uganda Protectorates | |
51 | East Africa Railways and Harbours | |
52 | East African Standard Ltd. Nairobi | |
53 | East African Standard Ltd. Nairobi & Mombasa | |
54 | Ecole Apostolique des Pères du St-Esprit, Belgique | |
55 | England’s Studios | |
56 | Ern, Thill, Bruxelles | |
57 | F. Hi Paganelli – Genova | |
58 | Farmer’s Journal, Nairobi | |
59 | Felix Coutinho, Photographer, Mombassa | |
60 | Frank Studio, Mombasa | |
61 | G.N.Morhig, The English Pharmacy, Khartoum | |
62 | G.V.Mohamed – Jinja Uganda | |
63 | Howse & MacGeorge Ltd Kenya and Uganda | |
64 | Husseini Stationery Mart LTD, Mombasa | |
65 | I.Benghiat Son, Aden | |
66 | I.M. Santos, Photograph | |
67 | Instituto-Collegio Internazionale della Consolata per le missioni estere – Torino | |
68 | Italian Missions (British East Africa) | |
69 | J.B. Coutinho, Photographer, Zanzibar | |
70 | Jerome LTD. | |
71 | Jos. Jaff & Sohn, Vienna | |
72 | K Ltd | |
73 | Karim Essa Allibhai, Zanzibar | |
74 | Kenneth Rittener, Nakuru | |
75 | Lichtdruck K. Ledermann, Wien I. | |
76 | L’Œuvre Apostolique | |
77 | M. MacJOHN & CO. Proprietors | |
78 | M. Venieris, photographer, Khartoum | |
79 | Mc Corquodale & Co. London for Imperial Institute | |
80 | Medical Mission Auxiliary | |
81 | Mengo Planters Ltd | |
82 | Messageries Maritimes | |
83 | Minoo R. Dastoor, Lamu | |
84 | Missionary Film Committee | |
85 | Missionnaires d’Afrique (Pères Blancs) Bruxelles | |
86 | Missions d’Afrique | |
87 | Missions d’Afrique. Sodalité de S. Pierre Claver | |
88 | Missions des P.P. du Saint Esprit | |
89 | Missions des Pères Blancs | |
90 | Missions des Pères du Saint Esprit – Afrique Orientale | |
91 | Missions des Pères du Saint Esprit – Paris | |
93 | Moloo Brothers & Co, Silk, Ivory and Curio Merchants – Zanzibar | |
94 | N.V. Vereenidge Nederlandsche Scheepvaartmaatschappij | |
95 | Neg. Gatti – Ed. Caffaneo – Genova | |
96 | Nels, Bruxelles | |
97 | Neukirchen Missionary Society | |
98 | nil (made in Turbridge wells) | |
99 | Œuvre de la Propagation de la Foi | |
100 | P, De Lord Brothers, Zanzibar | |
101 | P. De Lord Zanzibar | |
102 | P. De Lord Bros, Zanzibar | |
103 | P. De Lord Broth,, Zanzibar | |
104 | P. De Lord, Photo-Artist, Zanzibar | |
105 | Pereira De Lord Zanzibar | |
106 | Pereira De Lord Bros, Zanzibar | |
107 | Pereira De Lord Broth. | |
108 | Pereira De Lord Brothers , Zanzibar | |
109 | Pereira De Lord, Photo Artist, Zanzibar | |
110 | Pereira de Lord, Zanzibar | |
111 | Peter Hill, A.R.P.S. East African Series | |
112 | Photo Artists Co, Tanga | |
113 | Photo Glanz from Pereira De Lord Brothers, Zanzibar | |
114 | Photo P. Hoefler | |
115 | Photo PAUL – V.Neubert – Prague XVI | |
116 | Photochrom Co Ltd. Tunbridge Wells England | |
117 | Photochrom Co Ltd. Tunbridge Wells England | |
118 | PNG | |
119 | Propagation de la Foi | |
120 | Public Relations Department, KAMPALA Uganda | |
121 | Raphael Tuck & Sons | |
122 | Royal National Parks of Kenya | |
123 | Royal Turnbridge Wells | |
124 | S. Skulina PEGAS STUDIO Nairobi | |
125 | S.T.I. | |
126 | Sanatorium « Kijabe Hill » B.E.A. – Hartung & Co, Hamburg | |
127 | Sœurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d’Afrique Saint-Charles Birmandeis (Alger) | |
128 | Swift Press – Nairobi | |
129 | T.A. Costa, Photographer, Mombasa | |
130 | TAWS Limited, Nairobi | |
131 | The Brown & Malby Series | |
132 | The Caxton, P & P Co., Nairobi | |
133 | The Dempster Studio, Nairobi, B.E.A. | |
134 | The Mombasa Times Ltd – Mombasa | |
135 | The New Man Art Publishing Co., Cape Town | |
136 | The Standart, P & P Works, Nairobi and Mombasa | |
137 | Uitg. St Josephs-studiehuis, Tilburg | |
138 | United Netherland Navigation Company | |
139 | Verlag – Indirizzo – A.C.Gomes & C. Zanzibar | |
140 | Verlag der evang. Luth. Mission zu Leipzig | |
141 | W. D. Young, B.E.A. | |
142 | WARD. LOCK & CO Ltd – London, Melbourne, Toronto | |
143 | WARDLES Mombasa | |
144 | White Fathers, Uganda | |
145 | Woerman Linie – Deutsche Ost-Africa – Hamburg | |
146 | Young, Photo., Mombasa |